Are you having troubles with your garage door? It may be obvious to you that you need a garage door repair. However, there are certain circumstances that require repairs sooner rather than later. To help guide you, here are the tops signs that you need an emergency garage door repair.
- Your Garage Door Won’t Open – Will your garage door not open due to malfunctioning components? If so, consider calling a professional for emergency services. A garage door not opening may not seem like an emergency, but if your vehicle is trapped inside the garage, you have somewhere to be, and you can’t manually open your garage door, don’t hesitate to call us at Advanced Overhead Door NC.
- Broken Parts – Can you visibly see broken parts to your garage door? Broken or loose parts could lead to parts falling off your garage door and leaving your vehicles and other garage-kept belongings at risk of damage.
- Your Safety Is Compromised – Any situation that results in you or a loved one trapped in your garage is a reason to call for an emergency garage door repair, or 911 for more serious matters. Additionally, if your sensors are broken to your garage door, you should have those repaired immediately. Broken sensors could lead to your garage closing on your vehicle, you, or even a loved one.
We hope these key signs will help you indicate when you need emergency garage door repair. If you have any questions regarding our emergency garage door repair services, and other services we provide, contact us today for more information.