Garage Door Emergency Service

Garage Door Emergency Service

Garage Door Emergency Service

Garage Door Emergency Service we all know what to do in an emergency — from a young age, we are taught to call 911. But what about a garage door emergency? Lucky for you, we have outlined what you need to know and what you need to do when your garage door needs emergency service.

First off, you might be wondering what qualifies as an emergency service for your garage. Common examples of garage door emergency service include:

  • A garage door stuck open: This threatens the security of you, your home, your vehicle and your belongings.
  • A garage door stuck closed: If your car is stuck inside, this means that you cannot drive where you need to go.
  • A broken or disconnected opener and/or emergency cord: The opener, springs, and emergency cord all hold your heavy garage door in place. If any of these are not properly working, your garage door can violently crash closed, destroying anything in its path and even the door itself.

All of these issues are major, and you want them fixed fast. Do not try to tackle garage door emergency service on your own; leave these jobs to the pros. A professional will ensure that the issues are fixed correctly the first time.

If you are in need of a garage door emergency service and are located in Cornelius, Davidson, Denver, Huntersville, Iron Station, Lincolnton, Mt. Holly, Mooresville, Sherrills Ford, or Charlotte, North Carolina, give us a call today at Advanced Overhead Door NC. We can help you with all of your garage door needs!

Garage Door Mistakes

Garage Door Mistakes

Garage Door Mistakes

Garage Door Mistakes if you are a homeowner, it is likely that you have a garage that you use every day (multiple times a day). Garage doors protect you, your home, your vehicle, and your belongings. This is a big-ticket home item that you want to ensure holds its value. Today our team of experts has compiled all of the top mistakes made by homeowners when it comes to garage doors.

  • Not Sweating the Small Stuff- The most common mistake homeowners make when it comes to garage doors is not noticing or caring about minor damages, wear, noises, etc. These small issues can quickly develop into big issues, Garage Door Mistakes with even bigger repair costs. When you see or hear something out of the ordinary with your garage door, get it repaired immediately.
  • DIY Projects- While some fixes for garage doors are easily done by most homeowners, Garage Door Mistakes some bigger items need to be handled by a professional. YouTube and online articles may make a DIY project seem easy (and promise to save you lots of money), but if you are not experienced with garage doors, we highly recommend calling a professional.
  • Car Collisions – The biggest damage to garage doors is usually done by a vehicle crash. These collisions are typically at low speeds (and cause little to no damage to your vehicle) but can wreak major havoc on your garage door. Always enter and exit your garage slowly with absolute care and caution.
Garage Door Materials Guide

Garage Door Materials Guide

Garage Door Materials Guide

Garage Door Materials Guide there are many different garage door materials. Many people don’t realize that garage doors come in more materials than steel and in a variety of different colors and materials. If you are in the market for a garage door replacement, then you will need to choose between some common materials, including:

  • Fiberglass- Lightweight and strong, fiberglass is a good choice for someone who is looking for a garage door replacement that can withstand a lot of use in a warmer and coastal climate.
  • Steel- Steel is a great material when people are worried about longevity and security. Because steel doors are so strong, many people prefer them for an extra layer of protection as well as their extra insulation.
  • Vinyl- When you are looking for a door that won’t fade from the sun and can weather the weather beautifully, vinyl doors are a great choice. With the color in the material, not applied to the surface, a dent or a scratch will be less noticeable.
  • Wood- Consistently beautiful, wood garage doors are the obvious choice for an older home. These doors will look great in contemporary as well as traditional properties.
  • Aluminum- When you live in an area of high humidity and moisture, aluminum is a great choice because it won’t rust. In addition to being lightweight, aluminum garage doors are also strong and durable.

Are you looking for your next garage door replacement? Let our team here at Advanced Overhead Door NC know! We would love to help you find the right choice for your home.

Garage Door Curb Appeal

Garage Door Curb Appeal

Garage Door Curb Appeal

Garage Door Curb Appeal the exterior of your home is just one of the features that is important to your home, but it is also what helps you feel welcomed and invited when you come home from work. Garage Door Curb Appeal If you don’t like what you see when you drive up, then you might not enjoy coming home as much as you could. When you are looking at the exterior of your home, Garage Door Curb Appeal consider what your garage doors can do for your curb appeal! If they are builder-grade, dull or outdated, they could negatively impact your impression of your home.

First, consider the color. If your garage doors are newer and in good shape, there’s no need to replace them if you don’t have to. Garage Door Curb Appeal Often a new paint color will be enough change to see a dramatic transformation. Consider matching the trim on your home or a neutral color such as gray, beige, brown or black.

Second, look at the details. There are many factors that can give your garage door some distinction, and color is just one of them. If you want to help your garage look more high-end without the expensive price tag, Garage Door Curb Appeal

Garage Door Curb Appeal

look at adding some door hardware to your garage.

Finally, swap out an old and inefficient door for an upgraded model. While this option is more expensive, it is an investment in your property that you will enjoy daily. You’d be surprised at the difference just the garage door can make in your curb appeal!

To learn more about garage doors for your home, contact us here at Advanced Overhead Door NC.

Garage Door Repair Check

Garage Door Repair Check

Garage Door Repair Check

Garage Door Repair Check a garage door is something that most of us use every day– even several times per day! When you have a remote garage door opener, you expect it to open and close properly when you need it to. However, Garage Door Repair Check if your garage door needs repairs or is starting to show the signs of a garage door repair, then you might find yourself stranded or stuck outside when you need to get in. Here at Advanced Overhead Door NC, we want to help you with your garage door repairs however you might need us, Garage Door Repair Check including showing you some of the warning signs that a garage door repair is imminent.

Notice the sounds and even smells of your garage door opener. A garage door opener should be relatively quiet, work smoothly and smell neutral. When your garage door is starting to have issues, you might notice that it is exceptionally loud when opening or closing. It might also struggle to open or close with rough, jerking motions before finally being able to complete the motion. Finally, if you smell something smoky or metallic, you should always call for a garage door repair.

Garage door repairs can also be done to the door itself. If the door is off its tracks, that is a sure sign of an issue. Garage door panels are heavy, and homeowners should never be the ones to attempt to fix them. You might also notice that one side of your garage closes or opens faster than the other. These are sure signs of issues.

If you would like to learn more about garage door repairs for your property, please give us a call here at Advanced Overhead Door NC today.

New Garage Door Benefits

New Garage Door Benefits

New Garage Door Benefits

New Garage Door Benefits have you been looking at new garage doors? Many of us want to improve things about our home, but garage doors aren’t usually what comes to mind when people think of home improvements. If you are tired of your builder-grade door and want something with a little more style or are interested in other advantages, consider the following advantages of a new garage door installation:

  • New garage doors are often more efficient. Have you ever sat next to a window in an older home? Those single panes are chilly– and very inefficient when it comes to energy waste. A garage door is similar in that newer, New Garage Door Benefits more modern garage doors with insulators can make your garage more comfortable, efficient, and help protect your home from needless energy waste.
  • New garage door installation can increase home value. If you are thinking about selling your property in the near future, you might want to consider a new garage door installation. Because many people will make the decision to walk through a home based on the exterior, New Garage Door Benefits a new garage door can help to increase the value and provide a great curb appealing feature.
  • New garage doors come with great safety features. Older garage doors do not have the same safety features as new ones, and the upgrades can be better for both safety and aesthetics.

If you have any questions about new garage door installation options for your home, then please give us a call here at Advanced Overhead Door NC. We would love to chat with you further regarding your home or commercial property.

Trustworthy Garage Door Repair

Trustworthy Garage Door Repair

Trustworthy Garage Door Repair

Do you have a garage door that is old or outdated? Are you looking to make your door more efficient or get some necessary repairs done? When you are looking for a garage door repair company, Trustworthy Garage Door Repair some of the most important features are also some that you don’t always look for, like how safe you will feel with the technicians working in your garage so close to your home. Here at Advanced Overhead Door NC, we want to make sure that you feel safe with your garage door company with a few easy steps:

  1. Ask for Proof of a Background Check. It is not unreasonable to ask for a background check or to learn more about the company’s drug testing policies. After all, when people are working on or within your home, you have a right to know who you are working with.
  2. Check for Experience. An established company will not only be able to perform their work more efficiently, but will also provide you with the assurance that they can hire and retain honest, reliable workers you can trust. Trustworthy Garage Door Repair
  3. Look for Warranties. When you work with a company that provides quality and active warranties, you are getting a glimpse into the future. This helps to separate the companies that are here to stay from the companies that are just popping up to make a quick buck.

To learn more about working with a garage door repair company that you can trust, please contact us here at Advanced Overhead Door NC today!

Our New Website is Live!

Our New Website is Live!

Our New Website is Live!

Our New Website is Live We’ve been working on a new site for the last month, Our New Website is Live and we’re pleased to say it’s finally live! What do you think of it? Got any comments or feedback? Please let us know by posting a message below.

Our New Website is Live